Dust Control

Dust Control

The R.M. of Pense offers property owners the option of having dust control applied on the municipal road adjacent to their yardsite. The R.M. subsidizes this cost by approximately half. 
Ratepayers wishing to have this product applied must submit an annual application by April 15th.
For additional information, refer to the Dust Control Policy.
The dust control product that the R.M. uses is Magnesium Chloride:
  • Is hygroscopic – it attracts moisture.
  • Is a naturally occurring brine extracted from the earth.
  • Yearly application produces a cumulative effect – the product is more effective when applied annually. You will notice after a rain that the area is revived somewhat. 
How does it work?
  • When a gravel surface loses its moisture in the summer heat, small dust particles or “fines”, fly off into the air.
  • Wind and vehicle traffic only magnify the “fines” or dust.
  • The magnesium chloride draws the moisture from the air to keep the fines moist.
  • The magnesium chloride actually forms a bond to the gravel surface and helps to eliminate dust and maintain the road’s integrity. 
Prior to dust control application:
  • The road crew prepares the road surface (blading, etc.).
  • The area is staked by the road crew. You may move the stakes either direction if you do not agree with the marked area, however the total length must remain the same.
  • If your road is slated for gravel, the gravel will be applied prior to the application of dust control.
 After dust control application:
  • The road crew does little or no blading of treated areas (until fall or in the case of the road being in disrepair due to nature). This helps to keep the product working at its best.
  • You can prolong the effectiveness of the dust control product by periodically applying water onto the area where it was applied.