Bulk Water
A water tank fill station (pumphouse) is located in the Town of Pense at the corner of Ontario and Assiniboia. The Town of Pense owns the station and the RM manages the loading facilities and meter through an electronic key fob system. Anyone wishing to purchase water from the station must come to the RM office to set up an account and obtain a fob. You will require a hose and a 2″ female camlock connection.
Key fobs are available for a $30 deposit and payments for water must be pre-paid through the office. We do not accept credit or debit. The rate is based on time with a flow rate of 620 L / minute, at $0.0074 / L.
A similar water tank fill station is located within the Village of Belle Plaine.
Hamlet Utilities
The RM manages the water supply pipelines of potable water connected to the City of Regina/Buffalo Pound water system for the hamlets of Keystown and Stony Beach. The RM s required to hold permits to operate these waterworks as well as employ a certified and licensed water utility operator.
Meters are read and bills are issued bi-monthly; (end of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec).
Bylaws and policies concerning these waterworks can be found in Documents.
Precautionary Drinking Water Advisories:
Keystown January 31, 2018 due to inadequate disinfection residual
Stony Beach December 9, 2015 due to seasonal low chlorine residual
Notice to Consumers:
2024 Water Quality And Compliance Keystown
2024 Water Quality And Compliance Stony Beach
Water Pipelines
A number of privately owned and operated water pipelines are located within the RM of Pense. The following water pipelines are managed by water co-operatives/associations and are shown on our municipal map:
- BDP Water Co-operative (Belle Plaine area)
- Cottonwood Water Users Inc. (NE part of RM)
- Eastview Water Users Co-operative (SW part of RM)
- Pattee Water Pipeline Inc. (E part of RM)
- Wascana Water Co-operative Ltd. (NE part of RM)
The water pipelines connect to the City of Regina/Buffalo Pound water system.