Development permits are first required to ensure the proposed development conforms to the policies contained in our Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan Bylaw.
A development permit application and site plan drawing must be submitted (and the applicable fee paid) for most development within the R.M. The fees are:
- Residential – $75
- Agricultural – $75
- Commercial & Industrial – $150 (for a value of development up to $350,000)
- Commercial & Industrial – $600 (for a value of development over $350,000)
Some applications may require further inquiries which could delay the process. Further inquiries include:
- consultation with our planning consultant;
- consultation with the provincial community planning department;
- consultation with other agencies;
- notification to adjacent landowners (re: discretionary use).
It is also possible that a geotechnical report may be required, to be obtained by the applicant, with regards to environmentally sensitive land. Examples:
- elevation and potential flooding;
- slope instability;
- areas of high water table; etc
Once the development permit is approved, a building permit application (which includes a set of building plans) must be submitted to the R.M. for approval prior to the commencement of any building, as per the Building Bylaw.
Building Permit Application - COMMERCIAL
Building Permit Application - RESIDENTIAL
The RM contracts it’s building inspection services to MuniCode Services Ltd., Warman, Saskatchewan; Phone: (306) 955-6355.
Buildings over 100 square feet are required to have a valid building permit. Buildings that are exempt from this requirement are: Agricultural out buildings including granaries, sheds, barns, etc.
Building permit fees are calculated on:
- Plan reviews
- Number of inspections required.
On the building permit application, Value of Construction means: the total cost of the building to the owner in its completed form and includes the cost of all building work, materials of construction, building systems, labor, overhead and profit of the contractor and subcontractors. The cost of labor and used material are deemed to be the current market cost of new material and labor.
As of January 1, 2024, The National Building Code of Canada 2020, The National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020 and The National Fire Code of Canada 2020 and The National Plumbing Code of Canada 2020 have been adopted in the province of Saskatchewan.
For energy compliance, new buildings and additions where permits are applied for on or after January 1, 2024, are required to demonstrate energy compliance to Section 9.36. of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) 2020 or the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2020, as applicable (refer to “Energy Efficiency Compliance Options”. These must continue to meet energy requirements on a go-forward basis. This means that future work to those buildings or additions must continue to demonstrate energy compliance.
Additional information regarding energy compliance and forms for submission can be found at MuniCode Services Ltd.
On January 1, 2022, the Construction Codes Act and Building Code Regulations came into effect in Saskatchewan replacing the Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Act and Regulations.
The Building Code Regulations has the following requirements that will come into force on July 1, 2022:
- Every building that contains a residential occupancy is required to have smoke alarms installed inside each bedroom, in the bedroom corridor, and each storey without a bedroom. These smoke alarms are permitted to be battery operated. Ifthe building was constructed before June 6, 1988, then the batteries used for the smoke alarms must be 10-year batteries (see photo attached for example of 10-year battery alarm).
- Every building that contains a residential occupancy is required to have a carbon monoxide alarm installed inside each bedroom ORwithin 5 m (16’) of each bedroom door. These carbon monoxide alarms are permitted to be battery operated. Ifthe building was constructed before October 1, 2009, then the batteries used for the carbon monoxide alarms must be 10-year batteries (see photo attached for example of 10-year battery alarm).
What does this mean for owners?
If your residence is missing smoke and/or carbon monoxide alarms in the locations listed above, then as the owner it is your responsibility to install the missing alarms.
The municipality and building officials, MuniCode Services Ltd., are not required to enter every property to ensure that these alarms are installed. However, when a building official does enter the building for other reasons (building permit related), then due diligence by verifying the installation will be completed.
Contact Sask1stCall (1-866-828-4888, or online at or to conduct line locates and mark the location of the existing underground infrastructure within and adjacent to the proposed work area. Line locates should be requested a minimum of three full working days prior to the start of work and must be completed prior to ground disturbance activities. Please be aware that the record of locate is valid for 10 business days.
The SaskEnergy and TransGas crossing coordination web pages and crossing application forms are linked below if you are planning to conduct any ground disturbance or work with heavy machinery within 30.0 meters of the TransGas or SaskEnergy easement or within 5.0 meters of the gas line.