RM of Pense

Public Works

General Information
Dust Control
Fences, Trees
From The Stray Animals Act
Keystown and Stony Beach Water
Primary Weight Permits
Road Maintenance Agreements
Snow Plow Clubs
Snow Removal
Water Pipelines
Water Tank Fill Station

General Information

The R.M. of Pense employs a full-time, year round Public Works Manager to oversee all aspects of the rural municipal public works. Public Works Manager Ken Lovell can be reached at 306-345-2424 (shop). The road crew consists of four fulltime grader operators and two seasonal mower/utility operators. Casual workers are hired as required.

Municipal Shop – located in the Town of Pense at 425 Brunswick Street.

Custom Machinery Rates:

  • Grader – $150.00 per hour for ratepayers & municipalities
  • Backhoe – $100.00 per hour for grave digging only
  • Tractor/Attachment – $120.00 per hour for ratepayers

*one hour minimum

To request custom work, complete the form below and send to [email protected]. Note custom work is performed at the discretion of the Public Works Manager – dependent upon work load, weather conditions, etc.

Dust Control

The R.M. of Pense offers property owners the option of having dust control applied on the municipal road adjacent to their yardsite. The R.M. subsidizes this cost by approximatley 1/2 (actual cost is double). Ratepayers wishing to have this product applied must submit the form below each year, prior to the end of May.

Dust control may be required as part of a Road Maintenance Agreement between the R.M. of Pense and Heavy Haulers.

The dust control product that the R.M. uses is Magnesium Chloride. It is hygroscopic, which means it attracts moisture. The magnesium chloride draws moisture from the air to keep the dust from the gravel moist. You will notice that after the rain the area of application is revived. The product forms a bond to the gravel surface and helps maintain the road’s integrity. Yearly application produces a cumulative effect. The product is more effective when applied annually.

After the dust control is applied, the road crew does little or no blading of that section of the road until the fall. This helps to keep the product working at its best. You can prolong the effectiven ess of the magnesium chloride by periodically applying water to that section of the road.

Fences, Trees

Bylaw 08-2011 (To prohibit obstructions adjacent to certain road allowances) regulates the setback distances of “obstructions” (trees, fences, snow piles, etc.).

Trees and fences must be placed 150 feet from the centerline of a road or 300 feet from the intersection of two roads.

A barbed wire fence is not considered an obstruction so it may be placed on the property line (subject to requirements The Stray Animals Act).

From The Stray Animals Act

A fence containing animals adjacent to crops growing must be situated 2.5 metres from the crop.

A fence containing animals adjacent to haystacks or loose grain must be situated 6 metres from the stacks or grain.

Keystown and Stony Beach Water

The R.M. manages the water supply pipelines of potable water connected to the City of Regina/Buffalo Pound water system for the hamlets of Keystown and Stony Beach.

The R.M. is required to hold permits to operate these waterworks as well as employ a certified and licensed water utility operator.


Primary Weight Permits

Primary weight permits are available for R.M. ratepayers with “F plates” at no cost. The permits are available for a three year period to allow agricultural products and supplies to be hauled over municipal roads.

Commencing January 1, 2019, the R.M. of Pense is charging the following fees for the issuance of primary/overweight permits:

  • $50 per single trip
  • $300 per annual permit
  • $500 maximum – fleet of 10 or more for single trip
  • $3000 maximum – fleet of 10 or more for annual permits.

Please contact the municipal office to obtain a permit(s). The following information is required:

  • Name /owner of truck
  • License plate number of truck
  • A copy of the vehicle registration.

Road Maintenance Agreements

The R.M. requires anyone hauling gravel, sand, earth, topsoil, etc. to enter into a road maintenance agreement prior to the start of the haul. The road haul fees are to be paid at the completion of the haul at the following rates:

  • Summer rate (March 16 – November 14) 10.2479¢ per cubic yard mile or 5.22¢ per tonne kilometer
  • Winter rate (November 15 – March 15) 5.1239¢ per cubic yard mile or 2.61¢ per tonne kilometer

Please contact the office to discuss the haul route and possible dust control requirements.

Snow Plow Clubs

To assist the municipal road crew with snow removal on a timely basis a number of snow plow clubs have been formed. The R.M. pays a “rate per mile” to the snow plow clubs to aid with capital costs, gas, etc.

An application form and map is available through the municipal office if anyone is interested in starting a snow plow club. Acceptable snow removal equipment is a rotary blower.

The club and operators are covered for liability insurance through the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) if the snow removal vehicle is equipped with one or more amber beacons that emit a light that is visible from 125 metres on a clear night.

Snow Removal

Snow removal from municipal roads is done in the following order of priority:

  • Primary Grid roads (641 & 642);
  • School bus routes;
  • Grid roads;
  • Industrial area.

Please click here to view the Snow Plow Priority Map.

We try and have all roads cleared within two days of a storm. Road crews work only when it is safe to do so, usually once the weather has cleared. The municipality does not have the resources to provide snow removal on privately owned property.

As per Bylaw No. 13-2013, the practice of plowing snow onto or across municipal right-of-ways is not a permitted practice. This can cause a serious safety issue for motorists and result in potential liability costs for the party who placed the materials on a municipal right-of-way. Individuals in contravention will have the snow removed from the roadway by municipal crews and all expenses incurred shall be borne solely by the responsible party.

Water Pipelines

A number of privately owned and operated water pipelines are located within the R.M. of Pense. The following water pipelines are managed by water co-operatives/associations and are shown on our municipal map:

  • BDP Water Co-operative (Belle Plaine area)
  • Cottonwood Water Users Inc. (NE part of R.M.)
  • Eastview Water Users Co-operative (SW part of R.M.)
  • Pattee Water Pipeline Inc. (E part of R.M.)
  • Wascana Water Co-operative Ltd. (NE part of R.M.)

The water pipelines connect to the City of Regina/Buffalo Pound water system.

Water Tank Fill Station

A water tank fill station (pumphouse) is located in the Town of Pense at the corner of Ontario and Assiniboia Streets.

The Town of Pense owns the station and the R.M. manages the loading facilities and meter/timer. In the past, this station accepted tokens, toonies and loonies. We have now changed to an electronic key fob system. Anyone wishing to purchase water from the station will have to come to the R.M. office to get an account set up. Key fobs are available for a $30 deposit. Please call the office for more information.

A similar water tank fill station is located within the Village of Belle Plaine and is managed by the Village of Belle Plaine.