The R.M. currently has the following zoning districts within the municipality:
- Agricultural (majority of the R.M.)
- Hamlet Residential (hamlets of Keystown and Stony Beach)
- Industrial (an area around the Mosaic, Yara, Canadian Salt, Terra Grain Fuels and Alpine Plant Foods)
If the type of proposed development is not allowed in a certain zoning district, an applicant can ask Council to change the zoning. If the change is agreeable to Council and does not compromise municipal zoning goals an amendment to the municipalities Zoning Bylaw and Basic Planning Statement is required. This entails:
- Advertising (twice) in a local paper details of the proposed changes (the applicant pays for this advertising).
- The R.M. holding a public hearing to hear comments from any interested parties.
- Approval from the Community Planning department of the Saskatchewan Government.
RM Of Pense No 160 Zoning District Map