RM of Pense


The Council of the R.M. of Pense consists of a Reeve and one Councillor for each of the six divisions of the rural municipality. Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.

Current Council

Reeve Garry McRae
Division 1 Kerry Ogilvie
Division 2 Robert Lax
Division 3 Kris Waller
Division 4 Doug Szeles
Division 5 Joanne Simpson
Division 6 Blair Findlay (Deputy Reeve)


Council Appointments



Belle Plaine-Drinkwater C&D

Board of Revision

Board of Revision Secretary

Building Official

Deputy Reeve

Development Appeals Board

Development Appeals Board Secretary

Development Officer

EMO Co-ordinator

Employee Relations

Fire Rangers

Library Board (Regional)

Local Assistant, Fire Prevention Act

Moose Jaw Regina Economic Corridor

Moose Jaw River Stewardship

Occupational Health & Safety Rep.

Pest Control Officer

PVFD Fire Protection Committee

Recreation Board Representatives

Returning Officer

Road Committee

SARM Agriculture Councillor

Signing Authority

Stray Animals Act, Administrator

Waterworks Councillor

Weed Inspector

Administrator Ripplinger
Dudley & Company LLP
Councillors Lax & Waller
Western Municipal Consulting Ltd.
Kristen Tokaryk
MuniCode Services Ltd.
Councillor McRae
Western Municipal Consulting Ltd.
Claudette McGuire
Administrator Ripplinger
Councillor Findlay
Councillor Lax & Findlay
All Councillors for their respective divisions
Councillor Simpson
David Smith (PVFD Chief)
Councillor Simpson
Councillor Waller
Councillors Lax & McRae
Grant Peeling
Councillor Lax & McRae
Councillor Lax
Administrator Ripplinger
Councillor Waller
Councillor Lax
Administrator or Assistant Administrator and Reeve, Deputy Reeve or Councillor Simpson
Administrator Ripplinger
Councillor Simpson
Marksmen Vegetation Inc.

Past Council Members and Reeve

Division 1
Division 2
Division 3
Division 4
Division 5
Division 6

Past Council Members - Reeve

H. McGillivary
A. W. Wallace
A. McLaren
J. Short
J.G. Hamilton
C. Harlton
J.G. Hamilton
H.N. Lasby
Harold R. Ulrich
William G. Street
Ken W. Johnson
Tom Lemon
1913 - 1917
1918 - 1926
1927 - 1934
1935 - 1937
1938 - 1941
1942 - 1945
1946 - 1965
1966 - 1974
1975 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2004
2005 - Present

Past Council Members - Division 1

Division 1:
E. Badley
J. R. Martin
F. Nuttall
R. Howard
John W. Wood
Wesley H. Brunskill
H.N. Lasby
Harold R. Ulrich
Terrance W. Anderson
Kerry Ogilvie
1913 - 1920
1921 - 1926
1927 - 1944
1945 - 1950
1951 - 1952
1953 - 1958
1959 - 1965
1966 - 1974
1975 - 2008
2008 - Present

Past Council Members - Division 2

Division 2:
R.E. Bigham
G.R. Haggerty
H. Bate
G.E. Haggerty
W.G. Davidson
J.F. Wilson
R. Taylor
A.S. Haggerty
C.L. Lasby
James R. Wood
Lorne A. Straub
Robert Lax
1913 - 1921
1922 - 1926
1927 - 1933
1934 - 1939
1940 - 1947
1948 - 1951
1952 - 1956
1957 - 1966
1967 - 1977
1978 - 1981
1982 - 2014
2014 - Present
Division 3:
T.S. Atkins
W.J. Newman
A.W. Wallace
T.S. Atkins
R.C. Foote
W.G. Allcock
D.A. MacKenzie
C. Carefoot
Bruce Durie
Roy Morrison
Eleanor Durie
Kris Waller
1914 - 1915
1916 - 1917
1918 - 1920
1921 - 1930
1931 - 1944
1945 - 1957
1958 - 1988
1989 - 1998
1999 - 2007
2007 - 2016
2016 - Present

Past Council Members - Division 4

Division 4:
J.A. McRae
I. Coutts
J.A. McRae
A. McLaren
J.G. Hamilton
J.A. McRae
A.J. Broomfield
T.A. Ogilvie
F.W. Young
R. Harvey
C.A. Klemp
K.C. Hamilton
William K. Spearing
Lyle Stewart
Bruce Good
Garry McRae
1914 - 1915
1917 - 1923
1924 - 1925
1926 - 1933
1934 - 1941
1942 - 1951
1952 - 1960
1961 - 1966
1966 - 1973
1974 - 1977
1978 - 1997
1998 - 1999
2000 - 2007
2007 - Present

Past Council Members - Division 5

Division 5:
W.E. Badley
J.R. Brooks
H.H. Keys
J. Short
V.L. Street
H.A. Robb
William G. Street
Earl Good
Chris Vanderstoel
Tom Lemon
Janet Lemon
Ashlea Street
Joanne Simpson
1913 - 1916
1918 - 1926
1927 - 1934
1935 - 1947
1948 - 1960
1961 - 1980
1981 - 1992
1993 - 1998
1999 - 2004
2005 - 2008
2008 - 2010
2010 - Present

Past Council Members - Division 6

Division 6:
J.W. Cafferata
J.C. Poyser
H. Hagerty
C.J. Hammond
J.G. Sheppard
A. Young
Ken W. Johnson
Brian G. Short
Blair Findlay
1914 - 1937
1938 - 1943
1944 - 1947
1948 - 1963
1964 - 1967
1967 - 1990
1991 - 2018


P.F. Weiss
B.S. Gunn
H.W.R. Atkinson
N.A. Atkinson
K.C. Merrells
E. Delmage
Julia M. Foster
Carolynn A. Meadows
Cathy G. Ripplinger
1913 - 1923
1923 - 1943
1943 - 1961
1961 - 1965
1965 - 1977
1978 - 1997
1997 - 2013
2014 - Present