RM of Pense

Fire Fighting Service Costs

Fire Fighting Service Costs

Property owners are responsible for paying the cost of fighting fires on their property. Please review your fire insurance policy, especially your deductible, to ensure it meets your needs.

The following is the schedule of rates for fire callout fees, effective July 1, 2019:

  1. 1st Pumper fire truck $1,200 for the first hour and $650 for every hour after.
  2. 2nd Pumper fire truck $750 per hour.
  3. Tanker $650 per hour.
  4. Quick response vehicle $1,200 for the first hour and $650 for every hour after.
  5. Support vehicle $100 per hour.
  6. Refill of breathing apparatus tanks and foam will be billed out as cost recovery.
  7. One hour minimum will be applied.
  8. Time shall be calculated from the time a unit leaves the Pense Fire Hall until it returns. Any time lost through malfunction of firefighting equipment shall be deducted.
  9. Third Party Department as per the total cost as invoiced by the third party.