RM of Pense


The first municipal organization within the boundaries of the present municipality was formed in 1897 and consisted of one township Local Improvement Districts.  Ratepayers decided at annual meetings what needed to be done.  An overseer was hired to do the work.  Taxes were levied to pay for the work.  Ratepayers could pay their taxes by performing day labour.ferco on the Kalium Road.  The plant will use 15 million bushels of wheat annually and produce 164,000 tonnes annually of Distillers Dried Grain.  Capital Investment in the region between 115 million – 130 million dollars.

1904 - Local Improvement Districts

In 1904 the Local Improvement Districts were replaced with larger Local Improvement Districts organized under the Local Improvement District Ordinance of 1903.  Four townships were included in this Local Improvement District.  One councillor was elected for each township.

1909 - Local Improvement District Number 160

On December 13, 1909,  Local Improvement District Number 160 was organized with the same boundaries as the present municipality (nine townships).

1913 - Incorporation

On January 1, 1913, the Rural Municipality of Pense No. 160 was incorporated.  The first Reeve was H. McGillivray.  Council members included: E. Badley, R. Bigham, T. Atkins, J. McRae, W. Badley and J. Cafferata.

1913 - School Districts

In 1913 the school districts in the municipality include: Leamington, Rose Park, Eastview, Fairville, Coulee, Stony Beach, Rocky Lake, Sarawak, Bruceville, Wayside, Kenilworth, Cottonwood, Wellington, Broadway, Coventry, Blink Bonny, Wascana and Forest.

1918 - Meeting Minutes

The earliest record of minutes held in the municipal office for the R.M. begins in 1918.

1920's - Main Concerns

Seed grain relief, overloading on municipal roads, school division boundaries, tuberculosis and destruction of gophers were the main concerns.  The secretary’s salary was $1200.00 for the year 1923.

1930's - Relief Programs

Relief programs (seed, feed, clothing, coal, flour, gasoline) dominated council meeting agendas.  Hospital accounts, doctor’s fees and grasshoppers were also mentioned on numerous occasions.  Resolution from January 4, 1932 Council meeting: “That no monies except that necessary for bare road maintenance, be expended in 1932 except on the majority vote of the whole council”.

1940's - Main Concerns

Payment for roadwork (1942): One man 35 cents per hour, one man and two horses 65 cents per hour, horse drawn drag 37.5 cents per hour, tractor drawn drag 50 cents per hour.  Farmers were permitted to work out arrears of taxes and medical and hospital aid debts at the above mentioned rates.

Special Council meetings acting as “Win The War Committees” were held to pass upon applications for postponement from military service.  The second floor of the municipal office building was rented to the secretary for $12.50 per month.

1950's - Electrical Power

SaskPower was authorized to supply electrical power and install street lights to the hamlets of Keystown and Stony Beach (1952, 1953). The cook engaged on the road building outfit was paid $100.00 per month including board.

1964 - Kalium Chemicals Ltd.

Kalium Chemicals Ltd. plant was completed and the first product was produced.  The use of solution mining techniques developed by Kalium (Mosaic) allows economical mining of potash at depths too deep to be mined in any other way.  Sales of potash are made to bulk distributors of fertilizers, rather than to individual consumers.  The major market areas are the eastern and midwestern United States, Europe and Asia.  Canadian markets are Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.

1992 - Urea plant

The world’s largest Urea plant begins production.  Saskferco Products Inc. began loading ammonia and urea onto trucks and railway cars for delivery to customers throughout the Prairie provinces, the northern tier of the United States, Ontario and Quebec.  Saskferco becomes “Yara” on October 1, 2008.

1996 - New Office/Fire Hall

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held June 22, 1996 to officially open the new R.M. of Pense office and R.M. Village fire hall.  The 4000 square foot building was built as a common sense solution to two different problems experienced by the local governments – the R.M. needed a new office to replace its aging quarters and the Village needed a new fire hall.  A federal provincial infrastructure grant was utilized, the village supplied the land and the R.M. built the building. 

2006 - Terra Grain Fuels

Terra Grain Fuels begins construction of a 150 million litre a year ethanol plant north of Saskferco on the Kalium Road.  The plant will use 15 million bushels of wheat annually and produce 164,000 tonnes annually of Distillers Dried Grain.  Capital Investment in the region between 115 million – 130 million dollars.  

2010 - Alpine Plant Foods

Alpine Plant Foods, a liquid fertilizer manufacturing facility, began production in 2010. The new facility is located east of the Canadian Salt Plant within the municipality’s industrial area. Approximately 10 million litres of fertilizer will be manufactured annually.

2013 - 100 Years

1913 – 2013 – 100 Yearsrm-100yrs

To celebrate the R.M. of Pense’s 100th anniversary, a Centennial Map has been produced. It contains a chronological listing of all owners of every quarter since the Dominion Land Grants were issued.